Go Fund Me
Updated: Mar 25, 2024

The Scott Sutherland Projoect comittee are very pleased to annouce that a Go Fund Me campaign has been launched to raise the money required to underwrite the cost of the Leaping Salmon Memorial Statue. This statue will be dedicated to the memoroy of the officers and men who were killed or injured during the rigours of commando training in Scotland.
The statue will be sited in the grounds of Achnacarry overlooking the site of the wartime training camp. The land has been kindly gifted by Cameron of Locheil.

The link below will take you directly to the fund raising page where you are invited to share the link or donate. Every donation is helping the project maintain its momentum and achieve the goal of completing the work for the Leaping Salmon Memorial Statue.
Lets keep moving forward on this friends, United We Conquer